Neues YouTube Video: Holding it Up (GER)


Letzten Montag gab’s die erste Move 4 Lunch Yogaeinheit FOR FREE. Und natürlich hatte ich vergessen, den Aufnahmeknopf zu drücken 🤦🏻‍♀️. Ich kämpfe immer noch mit der Technik, aber .. ich habe die Klasse nochmal aufgenommen. Das Ergebnis findet ihr auf meinem YouTube Channel (hier geht’s zum YouTube Video).

(Die englische Version wird bis Ende der Woche hoch geladen)


Wie wir alles zusammen halten. Nicht nur in Zeiten, in denen wir uns in ruhigen Gewässern bewegen. Gerade in den Zeiten, in denen es rau hergeht, in denen wir an den verschiedensten Stellen aufmerksam, wachsam sein müssen, um alles “beieinander” halten zu können, sollten wir uns ein paar Minuten gönnen, um den Reset-Button zu drücken.

In dieser etwas kürzeren Einheit werden wie wir uns aufrichten, offen und stark aufstellen. Vom Anfänger bis zum geübten Yogi sind alle willkommen. Ich werde immer Optionen und Varianten anbieten.

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Bis demnächst auf der Matte


FireFly / Tittibhasana

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🌟 #March2💃5Poses 🌟
Day.12 is #FireFly #Tittibhasana and our journey comes to an end 🐜

YAY 👊🏼 Are you ready to fly with me? I’ve got some good news for you. 1st: NO NEED to straighten the legs to the fullest. It’s more important to squeeze your shoulders (and not the elbows or even lower). 2nd: there is no additional technique to apply than on the last 5 days. Basically we are repeating Day.10 for Shoulder Pressing. Except that we start to straighten our legs like yesterday. Awesome, right? 😁
🎥vid is real time

▶️ start in Malasana
▶️ lift your bum, place your hands right behind your heels, fingers pointing to your heels, knees as high up as possible
▶️ squeeze your shoulders, knees are hugging the midline, lift your chest proudly, palms firmly pressed down
▶️ your focus point is ahead of you (30-50cm / 10-20in forward)
▶️ start to straighten your legs by pushing the ball of your big toe forward. It’s easier to lift the legs together

❗️The more you lower your bum with straight legs the more you need to lean into your fingertips. Make sure to warm-up your wrists properly with some #dreaswriststreats #dreastittitips❗️

▶️ Option 1: If your wrists are not ready yet place two blocks behind your feet 👍🏼
▶️ Option 2: Start from Kurmasana. Personally my fav entry 😍

Today, for the first time ever, I have secret questions for you. Please let me know if you had an aha moment over the past 5 days and if so when/what was it? Is there sth you didn’t like at all and why?

Don’t forget to do your warm-up. I recommend practicing Day.7 to Day.11 exercises. Then you can proceed to practice today’s pose. Thank you so much for all of you who took part in this journey to Titti. You all ROCK 💯

Please check my sweet #IGbesties for their variations ⤵ Be mindful with your body and practice 👉🏼Be sure to check with my lovely Clare @clarerdubai for day 13.

💃hosts @jeminajakin @yogamand @clarerdubai @pinkchampagne13 @catbradleyyoga 💃sponsors @balinisports @dharmabumsactive @glow.designs @infinitystrap @liforme @limitlesswheel @lvrfashion @onzie @yogiskins (use MARCHTO5POSES for 10% off)💃

(originally posted on InstaGram by @yogamand on Mar 12, 2016)

Tortoise Pose / Kurmasana

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🌟 #March2💃5Poses 🌟
Day.11 is #TortoisePose #Kurmasana on our journey to Firefly aka Tittibhasana 🐜
❗️Most important thing today is: NO NEED to bring your chest, nose or forehead to the ground. you can stay wherever you want as long as you keep yourself engaged. Don’t force anything, promised? Today’s vid shows not the full expression with straight legs, lifted heels and such. For me the most important thing here is the safe fold. Keep your back as flat as possible, stick the bum out and knees bent. Straight legs come over time when you practice the basic poses of this week consistently. Maybe you recognise by know that the techniques are repeating itself. In repetition is magic my teacher Nevine use to say 🙏🏼
▶️ today wear SOCKS. It will be so much easier😁
▶️ start in some kind of Malasana but sitting on the floor with your feet a further away, knees bent #ProudBentKneeNerd 😂
▶️ lean forward, bring your knees as high as possible (remember the ShoulderPress?)
▶️ bring your arms under your knees, put your palms flat on the floor
▶️ IMPORTANT bend your elbows and turn them upwards, palms still down. This will protect your joints
▶️ keep the arms bent, imagine a backbend
▶️ Lift your chest proudly, slide your chest along your shins as if you wanna reach your feet
▶️ hands are crawling further away. your legs will press you down. with the elbows bent you create a scaffolding to resist the jamming. You can literally lean into your legs (👉🏼we’ll need that tomo)
Don’t forget to do your warm-up and I recommend practicing Day.7 to Day.10 exercises. Then you can proceed to practice today’s pose.
Please check my awesome #IGbesties & co-hosts for their variations of the day ⤵Be mindful with your body and your practice. You don’t have to tag all of us but please show some love to our epic sponsors along with using #March2💃5Poses in your post copy so we can find you.
💃hosts @jeminajakin @yogamand @clarerdubai @pinkchampagne13 @catbradleyyoga 💃sponsors @balinisports @dharmabumsactive @glow.designs @infinitystrap @liforme @limitlesswheel @lvrfashion @onzie @yogiskins (use MARCHTO5POSES for 10% off)💃

(originally posted on InstaGram by @yogamand on Mar 11, 2016)

Shoulder Press / Bhujapidasana

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🌟 #March2💃5Poses 🌟
Day.10 is #ShoulderPressingPose #Bhujapidasana on our journey to Firefly aka Tittibhasana 🐜
soooo, today we are combining the last days to one pose. I’d loved to write a bit more how amazing you all are. Captions on InstaGram are limited so I use it for the tips and cues hoping you don’t mind 🤗 I recommend practicing Day.7 to Day.9 exercises 5min every day.
▶️ start with Malasana as described on Day.8
▶️ lift your bum and place your hands right behind your heels. Fingers pointing forward
▶️ jam your shoulders like on Day.8
▶️ lift your chest proudly. Imagine a slight backbend. Again, I know it’s not possible but just imagine it
▶️ walk your feet to the midline and interlock your ankles
▶️ lean forward, bend your arms like yesterday’s CrowPose #ChaturangaArms
▶️ your focus point is ahead of you (30-50cm / 10-20in forward)
▶️ keep your knees as close to your shoulders as possible
▶️ start to straighten your legs. Knees are bent (remember that Forward Fold of Day.1? You can’t escape 😁)
▶️ feet are pulling apart, knees are hugging the midline
▶️ Option 1: If your wrists are not ready yet place two blocks right behind your feet. Grab the blocks. I rather see you on blocks than seeing weird hand shapes 👍🏼
▶️ Option 2: Start from a sitting position. My fav way to get into it. For me it’s possible to bring in the knees higher and my feet lock is more solid 🔒
Don’t forget to do your warm-ups. Then you can proceed to practice today’s pose
Please check my amazing #IGbesties & co-hosts for their variations of the day ⤵ Be mindful with your body and your practice. You don’t have to tag all of us but please show some love to our epic sponsors along with using #March2💃5Poses in your post copy so we can find you.
💃hosts @jeminajakin @yogamand @clarerdubai @pinkchampagne13 @catbradleyyoga 💃sponsors
@balinisports @dharmabumsactive @glow.designs @infinitystrap @liforme
@limitlesswheel @lvrfashion @onzie @yogiskins (use MARCHTO5POSES for 10% off)💃

(originally posted on InstaGram by @yogamand on Mar 10, 2016)

Crow Pose / Bakasana

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🌟 #March2💃5Poses 🌟
Day.9 is #CrowPose #Bakasana on our journey to Firefly aka Tittibhasana🐜
The first two days you’ve been doing amazing. I know it’s not easy to break a habit and do sth different. For today I give you another #AllTimeFavourite of mine to strengthen your arms and to gain some confidence 🐦
▶️ place your hands shoulder width distance apart (like in Plank Pose)
▶️ move your chest forward, bend your arms like Chaturanga. Your forearms are in a 90° angle to the ground
▶️ your feet almost want to lift on their own here. If this scares you lift one foot after another and bring your heels as close to your bum as possible. Eventually lift both feet, toes touching.
▶️ your focus point is ahead of you (30-50cm / 10-20in forward). Keep it!
▶️ lift your chest proudly, your arms pulling together, hands and fingertips firmly pressed to the mat
▶️ strive for a flat back. I know it’s not possible but imagine yourself with a flat back
▶️ you can straigthen your arms to Crane Pose. But that is totally optional 😁
▶️ Option 1: If you are new to this pose place a cushion under your face and two blocks behind you to stand on. Lift one foot after another then both feet
▶️ Option 2: Bring your knees outside the upper arm as close to your shoulders as possible. Press your legs together. Remember yesterdays Garland Pose? Crow is no different from it except that you are on your hands here.
▶️ Option 3: Bring your knees as close to your armpits as possible. Remember the ForwardFold? Here it is again 😉
Don’t forget to do your warm-ups. Do the exercises of Day.7 and Day.8. Then you can proceed to practice today’s pose.
🎥vid is 2x sped up.
Pls check my #IGBesties for their variations of the day ⤵ Be mindful with your body and your practice. You don’t have to tag us but pls show some love to our sponsors along with using #March2💃5Poses in your post copy
💃hosts @jeminajakin @yogamand @clarerdubai @pinkchampagne13 @catbradleyyoga 💃sponsors @balinisports @dharmabumsactive @glow.designs @infinitystrap @liforme @limitlesswheel @lvrfashion @onzie @yogiskins (use MARCHTO5POSES for 10% off)💃

(originally posted on Instagram by @yogamand on Mar 9, 2016)

Garland Pose / Malasana

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🌟 #March2💃5Poses 🌟
Day.8 of our journey to FireFly aka Tittibhasana is #GarlandPose #SquatPose #Malasana 🐜
I looooved your Forward Folds yesterday. Practice this bend leg variation everyday and you’ll see your hammies soften soon.
Today’s #HipOpener is my all-time favorite as well. If you want to do some magic to your hips practice this every day for at least 5 mins. 1 min 5 times a day is working, too 😉
▶️ Repeat yesterday’s forward fold for at least 5 min. 😉
▶️ Place your feet approx 3-4 fists apart (like yesterday measure yourself up)
▶️ The outer edge of your feet parallel to your mat (again slightly #pigeontoedfeet )
▶️ If your heels turn inward #CharlieChaplinFeet use blocks under your heels
▶️ If your knees are tight and/or complaining sit on two or three blocks, place them a bit farther away
▶️ Bring your upper body as deep between your knees as possible. Knees shoulder level
▶️ Hands in Prayer’s mudra start to bring your forearms parallel to your mat so you create a good suffolding. Remember your legs jamming your upper body so you need a counterforce here
▶️ Press your knees together like you wanna jam your shoulders/upper body. If your heels are turned inward you will get compromise your knees
▶️ Stick your butt out (tilt your pelvic forward)
▶️ Lift your chest proudly, breathe, smile … and count to 💯
❗️Don’t forget to do your warm-ups. Do yesterday’s ForwardFold You will surprise yourself how much your hammies will open up soon. Then you can proceed to practice today’s pose.
🎥vid is 2x sped up. If you have ANY questions please ask 🙏🏼
Please check my sweet co-hosts for their variations of the day ⤵ Be mindful with your body and your practice. You don’t have to tag all of us but please show some love to our epic sponsors along with using #March2💃5Poses in your post copy so we can find you.
💃hosts @jeminajakin @yogamand @clarerdubai @pinkchampagne13 @catbradleyyoga 💃sponsors @balinisports @dharmabumsactive @glow.designs @infinitystrap @liforme @limitlesswheel @lvrfashion @onzie @yogiskins (use MARCHTO5POSES for 10% off)💃

(originally posted on InstaGram by @yogamand on Mar 8, 2016)

Forward Fold / Uttanasana

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🌟 #March2💃5Poses 🌟
Day.7 is a modified #ForwardFold #Uttanasana and I call it #MakeYourSelfAPackage 🐜
Hammies, we are coming for you. And we make your quads working a lot. Personally I see FireFly more as a forward fold than an arm balance. For a nice fold you need to fit in your self. Like the first fold in #Origami 🎌 If the first fold is crap the following folds are getting worse. Today I want to see your knees bend and a flat back instead of straight legs and normally a rounded lower back.

▶️ Place your feet hip distance apart. Place your two fists between your big toes.
▶️ Turn your heels slightly out #PigeonToedFeet
▶️ Naturally your knees fall inward, open them so your knees are straight above your ankles and the arch of the feet get activated
▶️ Bring your knees into your armpits. Keep them there as if they were glued together
▶️ Grab your shins from behind and pull your hands apart
▶️ Stick your butt out (tilt your pelvis forward)
▶️ Start to straighten your legs but only as far as you can keep your armpits and knee caps connected

Remember: Keep your legs bend all the time. Your quads have to work a lot this week which means that your hamstrings have to soften so you can lengthen them. Straight legs will come over time. Please don’t force it with compromising your lower back.
Please check my sweet co-hosts for their variations of the day ⤵ Be mindful with your body and your practice. You don’t have to tag all of us but please show some love to our epic sponsors along with using #March2💃5Poses in your post copy so we can find you.
💃hosts @jeminajakin @yogamand @clarerdubai @pinkchampagne13 @catbradleyyoga 💃sponsors @balinisports @dharmabumsactive @glow.designs @infinitystrap @liforme @limitlesswheel @lvrfashion @onzie @yogiskins (use MARCHTO5POSES for 10% off)💃

(originally posted on InstaGram by @yogamand on Mar 7, 2016)